Adriano Almeida
Adriano Almeida Computer Scientist

My Expertise

Graduated in Computing at Centro Universitário Estácio da Amazônia (2018), where he developed monitoring activities in the programming and database disciplines, also actively participating in programming competitions. Master's student in the Postgraduate Program in Applied Computing at the Brazilian Institute for Space Research (INPE), where he works with computational approaches for extracting information and forecasting severity characteristics in storms, with an emphasis on atmospheric discharges. He has experience with modeling and systems development, relational/non-relational databases, data collection and manipulation. Knowledge in programming languages Python, R, Java, C/C++, SQL, Javascript, PHP and several frameworks and libraries of Data Science, frontend and backend. His main areas of interest are Computer Science, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence applied to Atmospheric Sciences.


He has experience in database mobile, web frontend and backend development. Also has experience in development using artificial intelligence and data science.


His research involves computing applied to atmospheric sciences, with an emphasis on forecasting and extracting information of severe weather events using artificial intelligence.


His favorite hobby is programming. He likes books and science fiction movies. He likes to practice physical exercises, especially running. Board game enthusiast.

Featured Projects



  • Research group

SInApSE (acronym for intelligent systems applied to the space sector, in portuguese, sistemas inteligentes aplicados ao setor espacial) is the laboratory of the research group led by Dr. Alan Calheiros and Dr. Rafael Santos. The SInApSE is linked to Associated Laboratory for Computing and Applied Mathematics (LAC - in portuguese, laboratório associado de computação e matemática aplicada) of the Bazilian Institute for Space Research (INPE - in portuguese, instituto nacional de pesquisas espaciais). The Laboratory aims to develop systems for forecasting and extracting information from severe storms using artificial intelligence techniques and meteorological data mining.


Team Code

  • Development group

Team Code is a group created in 2016 by the then computer students Adriano Almeida, Kássio Luz and Pedro Lobato in Boa Vista - Roraima. The group was initially created to compose the programming marathon team, later they started to receive demands for the development of systems, and since then they have been working with the development of mobile and web applications.


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Hello World

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's ...
